Saturday, October 23, 2010

A level of appreciation

Now, there are some "things" in our society that seem out of place, and are therefore hidden behind stained glass doors. Of these beauties you have the Cohiba VI. Now these are not even among the most pricey of cigars of the this Cuban brand. The Esplendidos go for double the listed price the the number VIs. I would put one Esplendidos as around 300 kr per cigar.  So why would anybody buy something like this. I can only assume it tastes fantastic. But who would know. Is it like a good one, or a great scotch? Do you simply need an acquired taste for such things in order to enjoy them? Or can someone without good taste or tasting experience enjoy a 10 kr cigar just as well as a 300 kr one? Just like wine. Can you taste the difference between a 99 kr bottle of wine, as well as a 500 kr one? Do we like the idea? Is it quality, or does the price make us think that we can taste the difference even though most can not. But we do know a B movie from a blockbuster. We do know a good rain jacket from a bad one. We know a good quality boot from a poor quality one. Long lasting is what we go for. It is the thing of our fathers´ generation. If you have some item that lasts for decades, it is considered quality, or you´re considered cheap. Or it is a personal challenge to keep the same shape as you started out in. I would say the Esplendidos could be enjoyed while viewing some momentous spectacle such as: 1. Humans landing on Mars, 2. The first underwater colony established, 3. First contact from Extraterrestrial life, 4. the birth of your firstborn, 5. Witnessing a small but controlled nuclear detonation.

Cohiba Cigars - 3 Stogies - 899 kr, or 150 dollars